[9/50] A review from the first season of Balanchine's The Nutcracker:
“[Miss Adams] is not essentially a bravura dancer, and the Sugar Plum Fairy is a bravura role, yet she made a distinguished thing of it […] She phrases with extraordinary beauty, not alone in the musical sense, but also in her awareness of the choreographer’s phrase—where he begins a sequence, how he develops it and when he finishes it. This provides a real illumination of formal values. There is also an inner justification for her movement; when, for example, she leaps to her partner’s shoulder, she not only moves up, but also thinks up. Thus, even though she was nervous on this occasion, she brought a fresh and valid beauty to the role.” — John Martin, New York Times, 1954
Diana Adams and Andre Eglevsky in the Grand Pas de Deux
Photo by Fred Fehl cir. 1954-59
Diana Adams as Sugar Plum Fairy, Nicholas Magallanes as her Cavalier. 1957 CBC Telecast.