“On closing night, August 19, the company had a full house despite the heat, and an enthusiastic and demonstrative audience. It was a very cordial parting. After the performance every girl in the company received a small but beautiful, obviously homemade bouquet of red and white carnations with a little card attached that read: ‘In gratitude and with admiration for your wonderful dancing throughout the season, from your friends in the Gallery and Amphitheatre at Covent Garden. Please come back”—Anatole Chujoy in “New York City Ballet”
1-2. Curtail call
3. Nicholas Magallanes and Patricia Wilde
4. Melissa Hayden
5. Melissa Hayden
6. Francisco Moncion and Melissa Hayden
7. Jacques (back), Moncion & Hayden (front)
8. Moncion, Hayden, Magallanes, Wilde